I am not sure if there have been any studies to prove this, and in fact I am fairly certain it has no real factual basis. Have you noticed that groups of friends will all have babies of the same genders. At our church, everyone seems to have boys. Five out of six offspring of the former "Expecting Reality" are boys. Amanda met a lady back when she was pregnant who was shocked Amanda was having a boy because all her friends including herself were having girls.
Anyways to Isaac, whose name I always type Issac the first time before correcting it. He is of course crawling all over. He likes to pull up on things even when they are not sturdy. Sometimes he falls and he hurts his head. Sometimes he falls and it hurts his pride. He seems to have certain things he crawls towards. The thing he crawls towards the most is Charlie, the cat, who is so attention starved that he just lays there and accepts them as pets when Isaac yanks on his fur and/or tail. Isaac also crawls towards the cat food. He has not actually gotten to it yet before we have gotten to him, but he is getting faster so any day now he might make it if we are not paying attention.
Have I mentioned that Isaac can recognize the silver box that flashes and makes Mom happy when he smiles at it. Here he is enjoying a baby "cave".

A lot of money has been spent for toys on Isaac. Lately his favorite is the frisbie given to us for free in front of Target. Sigh.